NDIS Decisions Register
Since entering the SDA sector in 2017, SDA Services has evolved and continuously updated a detailed Decisions Register for all the participants we support. This includes what has been applied for and all of the outcomes at each decision-making stage. This was created due to the NDIS Operational Guideline on Reasonable and Necessary Supports stating that “While we need to consider your individual circumstances and disability needs, we also need to make consistent decisions and treat people fairly.”
We use the data from our Decisions Register to help inform the NDIA to make consistent decisions by compiling and sharing with the NDIA deidentified tables from the register where other participants’ outcomes align with an applicant’s circumstances and preferences. Our motive for creating and evolving the register has been to assist consistency in NDIS SDA decision-making. It is compelling data and doesn’t leave the agency with much to hide behind!
We are proud to report that we now have a total of 1790 engagements!! Of these 1790 engagements, we have had:
1002 SDA and/or SIL initial applications, and of this number, 727 outcomes were recorded on the decisions register.
788 Review and Appeals applications, and of this number, we have 370 outcomes recorded on the decisions register.
To our knowledge, there are no other organisations within the sector with this detailed and substantial data, and we are proud of the impact it is making on initial applications, reviews and ART appeals.
If we have been involved in your ( or someone you support) with either an initial application, a review of an outcome, or an ART matter, and we have not been made aware of the outcome; please email amanda@sdaservices.com.au to advise. Your outcome will make a huge difference for future applications and how the sector is trending!